Mikey Wu - Admitted to Otis College of Art and Design LA

Mikey Wu has been admitted to Otis College of Art and Design in Los Angeles. The institution is ranked among the top 50 design schools in the world and is considered one of the most difficult art universities to get into in the United States. Mikey has always been an outgoing and artistic student at WISE, and he enjoys using art to express himself. His artistic abilities can also be seen in the décor of many of our holiday events. Mikey told us that he is excited about his future in Los Angeles and the opportunities that will come his way.

Joseph Fan - Accepted to the University of California Riverside

Congratulations to Joseph Fan, who has been accepted to the University of California Riverside, and Santa Clara University. Both schools are ranked top 50 in the US and the top 10 on the west coast. Joseph said that he has always been attracted to the view of the west coast, and would like to experience life by the beach. We have no doubt that Joseph will have a very fulfilling college life. We extend our best wishes to him!

Brian Chiang - Accepted to the University of Washington

Congratulations to Brian Chiang, who has been accepted to the University of Washington, Santa Clara University, and Penn State University. We are delighted to receive this fantastic news of Brian's success! Brian is the president of the WISE student council. He has always been a thoughtful and humble student. Under his leadership, the student council has successfully held a number of events. We believe that Brian's positive attitude will help him adjust to his new life smoothly. We send him our best wishes!

Vivian Lin - Accepted to the University of Waterloo

Congratulations to Vivian Lin, who has been accepted to the University of Waterloo and the University of Western Ontario. These schools are both ranked top 10 universities in Canada. Vivian has always been a student who knows what she wants and doesn’t hesitate to act. The University of Waterloo offers a Co-op program that allows students to explore careers and gain paid work experience while earning their university degrees. Vivian believes that this program can help her develop skills essential for future careers. We have faith in Vivian, that she is well prepared for future challenges.

Tim Chen - Accepted to the University of Technology Sydney

Congratulations to Tim Chen, who has been accepted to the University of Technology Sydney and the University of New South Wales. Tim will study in the Department of Information Technology. These schools are both ranked in the world’s top 100 universities and top 10 universities in Australia. Tim has always been interested in a Technology Career. UTS is widely known for its innovative learning and teaching approach. Imbued with collaborative spaces and technological capabilities, the distinctive campus is a physical embodiment of UTS’ progressive traits.

WISE 2022 World History Class

Ancient India Lesson: The Diwali Festival

Diwali is one of the major festivals celebrated by Indian people. The five-day festival celebrates the triumph of light over dark and good over evil. During the celebration, adherents made Rangoli and place them around their homes, praying for health, knowledge, and peace. Rangoli is a timeless tradition that is followed all over India. In many cases, designs are passed down through generations with some of them being hundreds of years old.

WISE 2022 Grade 8 Poetry Presentation

Our young readers can learn about speech patterns, voice, pitch, and inflection through reading poetry. Not to mention that it can also spark their imagination and inspire their abstract thinking. Our grade 8 students have given us a very impressive presentation. They included a variety of topics, from love to seasons. Through their reading, we have all taken a glimpse of the fantasy world in their mind!

WISE 2022 Teacher Appreciation Week

Thank you, teachers!

US Teacher appreciation week is celebrated for the first full week of May. Thanks to the extraordinary teachers and the entire faculty who have put so much effort into the school. You have worked very hard with our students and their families to keep us moving forward through this unpredictable year. Dear Teachers, thank you so much for everything!

WISE 2022 Student Council Election

Please give a warm welcome to our second Student Council members, elected by their peers on May 4th! We are very excited to see the events they will host and the changes they will make to benefit student life here at WISE.

President: Jessy Fan

Vice President: Wendy Hsieh

Secretary: Randy Kuo

Treasurer: Willy Chen

Activities Director: Lena Huang

Sports Director: Alan Huang

Communications Director: Chieler Li

Art director: Carney Cheng